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Information Age
更新时间: 2024-04-27 02:47:34

Information AgIt's th ag of information now and information is vry important in th socity.w nd vrious of information to liv a normal lif.w nd to know th lastst nws ,listn to th wathr forcast,larn about th nwly publishd books and many othr things w ar intrstd in and want to know.

Information Age

Thr ar many way of acquiring information,for xampl w can watch TV,listn to radio, rad nwspapr and magazins and go on lin which is to most popupar ,convinnt and ffctiv way now.

Living in such an ag of information,what should w to to fac up to th challng of it?I think w should try our bst to larn as much knowldg as w can and try to mastr th nw tchonology.


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